The northDASH pipeline performs backend enrichments for all events that are tracked using the JS, iOS or Android SDK’s.
Geo Lookup
northDASH will look up the IP address from which the event was tracked to add geo attributes to it.
This still works even if events are sent through a server side proxy.
Here’s an example of the attributes that we add to events that were sent from IP address “”
"geo": { "city": { "name": "San Francisco" }, "continent": { "code": "NA", "name": "North America" }, "country": { "is_in_european_union": false, "iso_code": "US", "name": "United States" }, "location": { "accuracy_radius": 20, "latitude": 37.7825, "longitude": -122.435, "metro_code": 807, "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "postal": { "code": "94115" }, "registered_country": { "is_in_european_union": false, "iso_code": "US", "name": "United States" }, "represented_country": { "is_in_european_union": false }, "subdivisions": [ { "iso_code": "CA", "name": "California" } ], "traits": { "ip_address": "", "is_anonymous": false, "is_anonymous_proxy": false, "is_anonymous_vpn": false, "is_hosting_provider": false, "is_legitimate_proxy": false, "is_public_proxy": false, "is_satellite_provider": false, "is_tor_exit_node": false } }
Useragent Parsing
northDASH will look up and parse the useragent string that came along with the event.
Here’s an example:
"ua": { "browser": { "family": "Chrome", "version": [ 79, 0, 3945 ], "version_string": "79.0.3945" }, "device": { "family": "Other" }, "is_bot": false, "is_email_client": false, "is_mobile": false, "is_pc": true, "is_tablet": false, "is_touch_capable": false, "os": { "family": "Mac OS X", "version": [ 10, 14, 6 ], "version_string": "10.14.6" } }